心 愿景, 任务, and 值

Heart Promoting Health, Empowerment and Recovery from Trauma

作为一个社区团结起来,预防可能发生的事情,并支持受害者-幸存者. 美国心脏协会致力于帮助遭受性侵犯的学生,无论性侵犯发生在何时. 据估计,13%的大学生(26%的女本科生和23%的性别不一致的学生)在大学期间经历过性侵犯.


A violence-free campus community where victims & survivors of interpersonal trauma1 在他们的治疗过程中感到安全和支持,这样他们可能会被授权 过最健康的生活.


既要防止性暴力2 提供全面的,创伤知情的临床和康复为导向的服务 to 南 students who have experienced 性暴力2 in an inclusive, non-judgmental, and confidential environment. 

We believe people affected by interpersonal trauma1 应该得到富有同情心,符合文化的护理,坚持最佳做法 and continuously strives for excellence. In line with this guiding belief, we hold 以下值:

我们所有的工作都遵循创伤知情护理的基本原则:安全; trustworthiness and transparency; peer support; collaboration and mutuality; empowerment, voice, and choice; and attention to cultural, gender, and historical considerations. 心团队成员和合作部门参与持续的专业 发展强调创伤知情护理,并制定政策和程序 并进行了修订,以促进在护理提供的各个方面采用创伤知情的方法.
▼   Victim and Survivor-Centered
We trust that those with the lived experience of interpersonal trauma1 拥有无价的、内在的治愈过程的智慧,并且完全有能力 为他们自己做出明智的决定选择最适合他们的行动方案 复苏. As such, victims and survivors who receive 护理 from 心 guide the entire 过程. Upon initiating 护理, the victim/survivor is offered an array of services, 包括医疗护理、证据收集(可选择向执法部门报告)、 倡导和咨询——受害者/幸存者得到的服务,如果有的话,是 completely at their own discretion. 心 team members commit to supporting victims’ 和幸存者的决定,并在必要时,代表他们倡导,以确保 students receive the services they choose in a timely, hassle-free manner.
正如我们致力于赋予受害者/幸存者权力,使他们能够负责 他们从心得到的照顾,我们致力于确保受害者/幸存者的隐私 to the fullest extent possible by law. 心 team members who provide health护理, 辩护和咨询服务都被视为机密资源,因此 不需要向执法部门或标题报告性侵犯事件 IX. In any event where disclosure of victims’/survivors’ information is necessary to protect the greater 南 campus community (e.g., assault is related to an imminent 对校园安全的威胁),心团队成员将与校长讨论这一过程 受害者/幸存者,只披露必要的信息,以确保校园安全. 
▼   Inclusivity and Cultural Humility
增加接触暴力后获得护理的机会并消除障碍 这是心的首要任务. Recognizing that expense may be a significant barrier to 为遭受暴力的学生提供服务,提供所有服务 at no cost to the victim/survivor. Further, services are available to ALL students 并由致力于尊重和文化响应的心团队成员提供 护理. 
There would be no 心 without collaboration. Specifically, 心 is comprised of 来自主要校园部门的工作人员、教师、供应商和管理人员,包括: 学生健康,倡导,执法和咨询,以及社区合作伙伴 similarly dedicated to violence response and prevention. 我们相信创新和 当个人具有各种各样的个性和能力时,最容易取得伟大的成就 专业背景聚集在一起分享他们的观点和专业知识. 
心团队成员致力于个人和专业的持续发展 力求提高向受害者和幸存者提供的护理的数量和质量 南方暴力事件. Team members regularly engage in team-based professional development 活动磨练自己的技能,并与其他国家和国际合作 专家确保服务遵循最新的循证实践. 作为大学系统内的教育工作者,我们也寻求指导下一代 通过成为系统性、创伤性、校园暴力的全国典范 response and prevention through both service delivery and clinical training. 


National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline


考虑捐款,为受影响的学生提供免费服务 性暴力. Funds are used to support prevention and response efforts. 65美元支持 the basic needs of a student during the forensic medical exam.


想做志愿者吗? ?

完成这个 form 心团队成员会联系你,讨论即将到来的志愿者机会.

1 Trauma that occurs between two or more people. Examples include but are not limited 虐待儿童(包括身体、性和精神虐待、忽视和目击) 暴力),性侵犯/强奸,亲密伴侣暴力/家庭暴力,跟踪, 历史创伤(对一个群体或文化的普遍压迫和暴力) over years or generations), and war and torture (Mauritz, M. W.古森斯,P. J., Draijer N., & van Achterberg, T. (2013). Prevalence of interpersonal trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders in severe mental illness. European journal of psychotraumatology, 4, 10.3402 / ejpt.v4i0.19985. http://doi.org/10.3402 / ejpt.v4i0.19985).

任何性行为、试图获得性行为、不受欢迎的性评论或性挑逗; 或强迫他人性行为,或以其他方式针对他人的性行为, 任何人,不论其与受害者的关系如何,在任何情况下,包括 but not limited to home and work.

本网站由十大彩票网投平台制作,编号2020-V3-GX-0164。 awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office 正义的 Programs, U.S. 部门 正义的. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in 本网站仅代表投稿者,并不代表官方 美国的立场或政策.S. 律政司.